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 #   Aantekeningen   Verbonden met 
8401 page 470 Versteegh, Maria Johanna Catharina (I77159)
8402 page 493 Versteegh, Sophia Frederika Johanna (I77251)
8403 page 51
page 337: marriage Djombang 12 Dec.1898 
Gezin: John James Barthol Versteegh / Lucie Marie Emilie Douwes Dekker (F1513866811)
8404 page 51 Douwes Dekker, Lucie Marie Emilie (I20169)
8405 page 517 Versteegh, Willem Ferdinand (I77322)
8406 page 53 Versteegh, NN (I77198)
8407 page 543: deceased Semarang 22 Aug. 1857 Frans Govert Ferdinand Versteegh Versteegh, Franciscus Govert Ferdinandus (I76837)
8408 page 583: born Semarang 11 June 1858 Usmar Gustaaf August Versteegh Versteegh, Gustaf August Ulmar (I76893)
8409 page 59 Versteegh, Dionysius Richard Bertha Maria (I76776)
8410 page 62 Versteegh, Christiaan Godfried Marie (I76713)
8411 page 64 (Maria Magdalena herself stated that she was born in Sumber Pakel on December 26, 1898, contrary to registration in the Gouvernment Almanac of the Dutch East Indies) Versteegh, Maria Magdalena (I77161)
8412 page 65 Roest van Limburg, August Eduard (I58813)
8413 page 65 Roest van Limburg, August Eduard (I58813)
8414 page 65 Versteegh, Joseph (I77075)
8415 page 65 Gezin: August Eduard Roest van Limburg / Pieternella Vennik (F1513866536)
8416 page 66 Versteegh, Theodoor Hubert Christiaan (I77261)
8417 page 67 Versteegh, Charles Ernest (I76711)
8418 page 68 Versteegh, Ignatius Marie (I76952)
8419 page 69 Versteegh, Ferdinand Dionysius Joseph Marie (I76826)
8420 page 69 Versteegh, Josephina Wilhelmina Francisca Elisa Maria (I77079)
8421 page 69 Versteegh, Maria Margaretha Antonia Wilhelmina (I77163)
8422 page 71 Versteegh, Veronica Angelica Dionisia Maria (I77293)
8423 page 79 Versteegh, Henry Richard Ferdinand (I76932)
8424 page 82 Versteegh, Johanna Clementina Maria Paulina (I77038)
8425 page 83, legitimation of her birth Versteegh, Alice Millicent Grace (I76621)
8426 page 83, legitimation of her birth Versteegh, Marie Josine Beatrix (I77175)
8427 page 90 Versteegh, Stephanie Dionisia Maria (I77256)
8428 page 90v Versteegh, Jacobus (I76970)
8429 page 94v Versteegh, Henricus (I76929)
8430 PAGE Archiefblok Heereman van Zuijdwijck
3.20.23/2394 - List of vassalage to the House of Rumpt
DATE 1702

supplement Bat. Courant 23 Sep.1820
Matrimony J.M.Versteegh and J.M.Knaap, Surakarta 10 Sep.1820
DS 16/1714/161v - Bastiaan Cornelisse, dunmaster of Rumpt
DS 17/1720/6v - Cornelis Bastiaans, heir and vassalage follower of his father 
Versteegh, Bastiaen Cornelisz (I76676)
8431 PAGE Archiefblok Heereman van Zuijdwijck
3.20.23/2394 - list of vassals
DATE 1702 
van Gameren, Gerrit Jansz (I27552)
8432 PAGE Civ.Reg. Deil Marriage Reg. 1824/8
Marriage attachments contain surname of Joanna Jacobs
DATE 24 JUN 1824 
van Rooden, Joanna Jacobsdr (I58980)
8433 PAGE Collection Blois van Treslong
J.F.A.Versteegh, born Semarang, 32 years old, 1855 living in Probolingo with C.E.Mulder, born Sumanep, 22 years old, one child

PAGE Register of Civil Servants
P 362 Johannes Ferdinandus Aloisius Versteegh, harbour-master 
Versteegh, Johannes Ferdinandus Aloisius (I77062)
8434 PAGE Gens Nostra
page 138/141- nominates for war loan
DATE 1954
_UID 1D13C858191B174EA5B4A9335345852E69AA
supplement Bat. Courant 23 Sep.1820
Matrimony J.M.Versteegh and J.M.Knaap, Surakarta 10 Sep.1820
GS 1099/1694/59 - promise to pay part of a debt to the Lord of Enspijk
DATE 30 NOV 1694 
van Gameren, Floris Willemsz (I27542)
8435 PAGE Gens Nostra
page 233
DATE 1973

supplement Bat. Courant 23 Sep.1820
Matrimony J.M.Versteegh and J.M.Knaap, Surakarta 10 Sep.1820
PAGE Leenakten Nijmegen
page 764 
Hackert, Gerrit Berndtsz (I8262)
8436 PAGE Govt. Almanaque
1840/98 - 1st lieutenant engineers since 7 Apr.1842
1848/141- captain of infantry since 7 Apr.1842
_UID B8BB54D96848A4439B930D7B2F68149C3417
PAGE Register of Officers
Enrolled into the military service on May 14th, 1822
Embarking on the "Aurora" at Klundert 9 Nov.1829 as non-commisioned officer. Promoted to adjutant on 22 Jan.1832. 2nd Lieutenant on 24 Feb.1833. 1st Lieutenant on 8 Mar.1838. Captain of 12th bat. infantry on 7 apr.1842. Two years furlough on 15 Nov.1849. Retirement 6 Dec.1848. Distincted with medal for lengthy service as officer
DATE 1813/1924 
Guillaume, Nicolas (I29730)
8437 PAGE Govt. Almanaque of East Indies
1815 bookkeeper at the VOC
1816 bookkeeper at the VOC
1817 retired pay-master
1819 inhabitant of Semarang
1820 inhabitant of Semarang

page 325
PAGE Landsarchief Batavia
Actenboek 1773/6, page 585 
Knaap, Nicolaas Bartholomeus (I40499)
8438 PAGE H. van Zuijdwijck 3.20.23 inv. 2400
DATE 1560 
Versteegh, Peter Lambertsz (I77214)
8439 PAGE Heereman van Zuijdwijck
3.20.23/2394 Rumptse lenen
DATE 1702

supplement Bat. Courant 23 Sep.1820
Matrimony J.M.Versteegh and J.M.Knaap, Surakarta 10 Sep.1820
DS 17/1729/167, DS 18/1732/1 & 3v questioning by judge 
Versteegh, Willem Thomasz (I77332)
8440 PAGE 3.03.60 nrs 6 and 7
Rechtbank 1e Aanleg Leiden 
Versteeg, Willem Thomas (I76553)
8441 PAGE newspaper ad
Java Courant 29 Dec.1838, supplement
Shop F.Melchers, Batavia
Semarangsch Adv.Blad No.28/1848
Arrived from Batavia 1 July 1848 with the "Koning der Nederlanden": Melchers
Departed to Surabaya 5 July 1848 with the "Koning der Nederlanden": Melchers
Java Courant 1/1852 25th wedding anniversary
Java Courant 3/1853 funeral ad 
Melchers, Frans Joseph Anton (I48567)
8442 PAGE newspaper ad
Semarang Adv.Blad No.9/1849
Departed Febr.25th with the Dutch East Indies barque "Banka" to Batavia and Rotterdam, the widow mrs Versteegh and children
_UID 894A74777E9B6C42B477FD07A721F569DAA8
PAGE Public Notary Archive
"van Appeltere"
1837/6 J.W.C.Donders bequeaths to J.M.Versteegh 3/4 of her total inheritance and usufruct on 1/4 for life. Bequeaths her mother Agnes Maria Clara hegh with 1/4 of the total, of which the usufruct belongs to her husband. If her mother dies, J.M. becomes the only and universal heir.
1838/135 J.W.C.Donders gives power of attorney to her brother-in-law K.J.Meurs, collector in Oldenzaal, in case her mother A.C.Hegh, widow of Jan Francis Donders, deceases, to represent her brother and sister in the inheritance. 
Donders, Johanna Wilhelmina Caspara (I19275)
8443 PAGE newspaper ad
Semarangs Adv.Blad No.37/1849
Departed 9 Sept. with the "Koning der Nederlanden" to Batavia, W.L.Versteegh
Semarangs Adv.Blad No.45/1849
Arrived from Batavia with the "Koning der Nederlanden" W.L.Versteegh and spouse. Martin H.Halewijn is also on board, in transit to Surabaia.
Semarangs Adv.Blad No.3/1850
Departed 15 Jan.1850 with Swedish brig "Hermelin" to Surabaia, W.L.Versteegh and spouse
Semarangs Adv.Blad No.33/1850
Arrived 13 Aug.1850 in Semarang with "Koning der Nederlanden" W.L.Versteegh
Semarangs Adv.Blad No.36/1850
Departed 7 Sep.1850 with the "Koning der Nederlanden" to Surabaia, W.L.Versteegh and J.F.Versteegh
Java Courant 3/1853
Deceased 25 Mar.1853 in Pasuruan, at the residence of my son-in-law W.L.Versteegh, my dear spouse Elisabeth Marie Schmedding, F.Melchers

PAGE Govt. Almanaque of East Indies
1850 & 1851 trading House Martinus Henricus Halewijn & Versteegh at Pasuruan
1852 - 1857 trading house W.L.Versteegh & Co 
Versteegh, Christiaan Wilhelmus Lambertus (I77310)
8444 PAGE newspaper ad
Bat. Courant 25 Jun.1825
For sale: 2nd brand arrac, J.M.Versteeg, Semarang 5 June 1825
Bat. Courant 15 Dec.1827
All who have outstanding business with signer are called upon to settle before ultimo December. J.M.Versteeg, Semarang 6 Dec.1827
Bat. Courant 29 Dec.1827
Departing people: J.M.Versteeg and family depart to the Netherlands, Semarang 21 Dec.1827
Java Courant 3 Jan.1828
J.M.Versteeg and family depart to the Netherlands, Semarang 21 Dec.1827
Java Courant 3 Jan.1828
Semarang 30 Dec.1827, J.M.Versteegh gives power of attorney to A.Gevers in Batavia, T.M.Kuiper and Mangold in Semarang
Java Courant 17 Jan.1828
Departed, January 11th, ship "Johanna Elisabeth" under captain M.Mesdagh to Antwerp. Passengers: J.M.Versteeg and family, Semarang
Amsterdamsche Courant 17 Sep.1838
In the course of October will depart the frigate ship, with copper plated hull, "Oost Indien" under captain G.Blom. Passengers who want to travel to Java and use its well furnished cabine, are invited to apply by the shipping office of Hoyman and Schuurman in Amsterdam
Java Courant 13 Mar.1839
Batavia 5 Mar.1839 arrived at Batavia "Oost Indien"under captain M.Mesdagh, departed from Amsterdam 12 Nov.1838. Passengers: Versteege and family
Java Courant 15 Jul.1848
Those who have a debt to, or a claim on the deceased J.M.Versteegh, are requested by the third signer to settle within 3 months. The testamentary executors: J.W.C.Versteegh-Donders, N.Guillaume, W.L.Versteegh, Djatirongo, Salatiga 1 July 1848

PAGE Public Notary Archive
"van Appeltere"
1831/54 Will of J.M.Versteegh bequeating his children
1832/64 Act of Insinuation, inquiry about the coffee lands
1832/91 Purchase of little garden
1836/149 Inventory of real estate and movable goods
1837/118 Auction of real estate
1837/127 Hold up of auction
1838/1 Auction of real estate
1838/7 Sale of real estate
1838/128 Receipt of 29.600 guilders

Memory of Succession 30 Apr.1833 - Signer, J.M.Versteegh, merchant, living Gorinchem, widower of J.M.Knaap, father of 5 minor children: Carolina Johanna, Wilhelmus Lambertus, Johannes Ferdinandus Aloisius, Carolus Bartholomeus and Theodorus mattheus Lambertus, declares that is spouse died on Jan. 6th 1833 at Gporinchem. The only and universal inheritors are named children.
Burial Register - Tomb of Johanna Maria Knaap at the "New" cemetery: sector A, line 19, grave 22
(on a later date sold to H.Willemsteijn, there buried on Jul.7th, 1854)

PAGE R.C.Church Register 261
Lease of church seats.
Delay in delivery of wood for the construction of the new
DATE 1817/1838 
Versteegh, Johannes Martinus (I77070)
8445 PAGE Register Civil Servants
GM20 Hendrik Lodewijk Versteegh, chief engineer, retired 11 Apr.1912 
Versteegh, Hendrik Lodewijk (I76913)
8446 PAGE Register of Civil Servants
11 (ran)11 Willem Ferdinand Versteegh, born Probolinggo 16 May 1856, harbour-master 
Versteegh, Willem Ferdinand (I77322)
8447 PAGE Register of Civil Servants
A' 487 Elisabeth M.G.P.Versteegh, born Semarang 25 June 1862, teacher 
Versteegh, Elisabeth Maria Gertrude Petronella (I76802)
8448 PAGE Register of Civil Servants
B' 60 Jean Paul Ernest Versteegh, born Pasuruan 7 Oct. 1858, controller by Govt. of Interior
_UID F2C83625BD8342478AA8CD90029669F26051
PAGE Govt. Almanac of East Indies
1885/565 obtained 2nd place in 1884 in exam for Government official among 31 participants.
1899/129 passed public notary exam
1899/536 controller 2nd class, transferred to opium state monopoly at Surabaya
1899/263 controller 1st class, in the suite of the opium business
1900/534 controller 1st class, appointed to opium state moonoploy service
1901/264 in the suite of opium business
1901/547 controller, appended to chief civil service

Beste vriend Joseph Cuypers ook op Rolduc gezeten 
Versteegh, Jean Paul Ernest (I76996)
8449 PAGE Register of Civil Servants
C'291 Philip H.F.Horn, temporary promotion to clerk 2nd class at the Exploitation, 1899 honourable discharge 
Horn, Philip Henry Frederic, baron von (I35791)
8450 PAGE Register of Civil Servants
GM2 198 Willem Frederik Mulder, born Alkmaar 14 Nov.1886, son of Isaac Cornelis and Hillegonda Catharina van Dam, promoted 2nd navigation officer Jun.1906, 1st officer 5 Nov.1911, captain 1924, retired 28 Feb.1933 
Mulder, Willem Frederik (I50459)

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